

Work underway

  InstaKilogram is a science-themed clone of Instagram that I implemented with Ruby on Rails, React, Redux, and PostgresQL. I used AWS S3 to store the user's photos, and Rails' built in ActiveStorage to create the objects stored in AWS' S3.

  I am most proud of my work on the infinite scrolling feature, loading and unloading the photos from asynchronous calls to my server only when absolutely necessary. This shrinks the size of the average http response, thereby allowing faster response, and faster loading.


Temporary Hiatus

  Outfittr is a men's outfit generating tool, allowing users to inventory their wardrobe and make intelligent descisions on what to wear by filtering their clothing through the Pickr tool. Built on the MERN (Mongo, Express, React, and Node.js) stack I worked on a team of 3 people not including myself.

  I worked a lot on the presentational components of this web app including the navbar and the modals. I believe my stylistic descisions provided a better user interface. Having to pass through data on show modals helped me cement some of my react knowledge during this project and I'm looking forward to learning more!


Under Construction

  SubletToBuy is a data visualization app that allows a user to compare stats of two houses for sale in order to make a more educated descision as homebuyer looking to sublet rooms to subsidize their mortgage payment (or "house hack in the lingo of Bigger Pockets"). The app is written almost entirely in JavaScript and HTML5 along with the D3 JavaScript library, giving better data visualization options to the data displayed. The data is sourced from an ultra light backend on the app that makes API requests to Zillow and parses their XML to JSON, rendering it more useful to me as the developer to utilize.

  I really put a lot of effort into the data visualization side of this app, making the graphics and data easy to read and understand at a glance of the eye. Spinning up a proxy and parsing the XML responses from zillow into JSON were things on the backend I was proud to accomplish and aren't the easiest to showcase for the average user but are worth mentioning for someone who has had to deal with the same problem.